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Hand Over Report

Lion Ailsa writes – Bristol Brunel Lions Handover Night was held on Tuesday 18th June at the Aztec Hotel. President Kate Taylor started off proceedings by inducting our newest member, Jonathan Tullett, into the club and after thanking the members for their support during her year. Her last task was to present members with various awards before handing over the presidential chain of office to the incoming President Tom Tippetts. Tom acknowledged the work done by his predecessor and outlined some of his plans for the forthcoming year. He named his chosen charities, amongst others, as Changing Tunes and the Lawrence Weston Community Farm. He welcomed Lion Robin Young as President of Bradley Stoke Lions and wished the Branch Club success in coming year. The 100 Club Draw was made by new Lion Jonathan and £20 prizes were distributed.

The club wishes to thank the Aztec Hotel for their hospitality, champagne reception and a really excellent dinner.

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