CommunityEnvironmentYoung People

“Duffy’s Lucky Escape” inspires a new generation!

Darren Jones MP congratulates Bristol Brunel Lions for providing 11 Primary Schools in North Bristol with ‘Duffy’s Lucky Escape’. This is one of the Wild Tribe Heroes books, the #1 children’s book series tackling the issue of ocean plastics and other environmental issues.

Left to right: Lion Nellie, Brunel Lion President Julia, Darren Jones MP, Lion Bill, Lion John.

The Wild Tribe Heroes books are a collection of gentle and engaging true stories about animals that find themselves in trouble when their lives are affected by damage to their habitats.

One of the Wild Tribe Hero books.

All 45,000 Lions Clubs around the world are looking to see how they can assist their local communities in reducing the amount of plastic waste that is threatening many, many aspects of both human life and every other form of live that we share this world with.

Having worked with Primary aged children for 35 years, Lion President Julia knows how young children take on board and remember information when it is presented to them in a colourful, meaningful and fun way. This book does just that with full resource materials provided to teachers.

Lions – Environment

Over the next three years Lions Clubs around the world are working on five Global Causes – Environment, Sight, Hunger, Childhood Cancer and Diabetes. So far this year Bristol Brunel has supported initiatives on Hunger, Sight and now with the provision of ‘Duffy’s Lucky Escape’ we have shown our support in protecting our most precious resource, our Environment.

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