Sew a Scrubs Bag
During lock down we want to express our heartfelt thanks to all the front line staff and key workers. We are all in the same pandemic but our experiences will differ hugely – “we are in the same storm but not all in the same boat”.
President Julia doing her bit to help NHS staff at this extraordinary time by making fabric bags. Scrubs Bags are what NHS staff take their uniforms home in to wash at the end of a shift. The member of staff puts their dirty uniform in the Scrubs Bag, showers and dresses to go home. Once home the Scrubs Bag is placed in their washing machine and washed at 60 degrees with the Scrubs still in the bag, preventing the risk of spreading infection. After washing the Scrubs and Scrubs Bag are dried ready for the next shift. Each member of staff needs 4-5 Scrubs Bags per week depending on their shift pattern.
Julia said “I’m more than happy to spend my lock down time this way, helping make the lives of our NHS staff just a tad easier. They are working so hard, so should not be worrying about how they get their Scrubs home for washing’.”

Bristol Brunel Lions Club have been of service in our community for over 47 years and are proud to continue in these unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic. These Scrubs Bags will be given to Southmead Hospital who have a staff of 8,000.
If you would like to sew a Scrubs Bag Sew In Brighton Sewing School give a clear set of written and picture instructions of how to make one. There is also a wonderful Youtube instructional video too. Both are slightly different methods but each give clear instructions of how to make one of these amazing items that all health care professionals will value both now during the pandemic and going forward into better times.
Once you’ve made your bag or bags please contact Contact Bill by email to arrange for them to be taken to Southmead Hospital.
Please share your creations on social media with #LionsSew and tag @bristolbrunellions on Facebook.
This will be a cheerful and practical thank you for the professionals caring for others in the midst of this health crisis.