G’Day Greetings from Heathcote Lions in Australia
John writes – Having heard that we have taken up their offer of twinning the Lions of Heathcote have sent this message:
G’day President Tom and to all the members of Bristol Brunel Lions,
What a great day it was when I read your email on the unanimous vote by the club to accept us as a twinning with you. We had a business meeting the night before, at which I spoke of our correspondence and the club was very positive for it to continue if an agreement was reached and then I received your good news. I have notified a large number of members who have email of the news.
We look forward to having ongoing ‘meetings’ whether by email or Skype. I do Skype my mate in the UK but unfortunately the signal is not always the best but hopefully we can get together through this great piece of technology at some time in the future. Maybe try and get a few members together for an interclub Skype?
I have attached a pic of an event my wife (Jeanette) and myself attended on Tuesday at a University in Bendigo (50 kms away). The event was for Uni students who may wish to do volunteer work for different service organisations. The local paper attended and took a few snaps.
Details: Uni student checks out information with (L-R) myself, Jeanette and PDG Jill Qualtrough. Great day had by all.
Myself and the members of Heathcote Lions look forward to a great relationship.
Any discussion on the ‘Ashes’ series will not be entertained by us Aussies.
Yours in Lions,