Young Trees For Young People

Lion Julia writes – What a great afternoon it was! And it was certainly one thast the Club can be proud of.
Children and staff from Blaise Primary School, Little Mead Primary School, Badock’s Wood Community Primary School, Horfield C of E Primary School, Elmfield School for Deaf Children and the host school, Westbury-on-Trym C of E Primary Academy all benefited from 1000 trees donated by the Club.
Some schools will use the trees as part of a Forest School for their children; others for outdoor learning and environmental education. Some of the trees Westbury have will be used as part of a sensory garden linked to a community project for Dementia awareness. All schools have said how excited they are to receive such a gift and that we have given them a wonderful opportunity to enhance children’s learning in the local community. Well done Bristol Brunel Lions Club!