
Sending the gift of sight

Another 1,250 pairs of spectacles were boxed up before the Bristol Brunel Lions Club members washed their hands and sat down to share good food, good wine, good fellowship and a few so, so jokes from Mark! Another great way to spend a few hours on a sunny summer evening.

Summer sorting and boxing of unwanted spectacles, to be recycled and reused.

Brunel Lions have fully supported the various Sight initiatives that Lions Clubs International (LCI) have promoted over the years.

This particular project is the recycling of used spectacles. Once collected the specs are boxed up and sent to Chitchester Lions where they are cleaned/repaired and the prescription identified before being sent on to our Lions colleagues in Normandy. From Normandy the specs are sent to many parts of the world where people who need spectacles, but can’t afford them, are provided with the precious gift of being able to see clearly, improving all aspects of their and their families lives.

So, if you have any unwanted specs taking up room in a drawer, please contact us, because we can put them to great use!

To find out more about Bristol Brunel Lions Club projects here.

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