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Bristol Tree Forum

Lion Mary writes –  Why trees?  As you will have noticed Lions have become very involved with trees……extending our tree canopy, bringing more shade, more oxygen, less carbon dioxide,  slowing down our water drainage, keeping us all happier and yes, lovely to look at and to picnic underneath.

I have a passion for trees too, so to find out more for Lions, I recently attend Bristol Tree Forum.  The Forum is a meeting of people who want to increase out tree canopy.  It takes place twice a year in City Hall, with the support of the Council, but not run by the Council.

This meeting we had an interesting talk from Gus Hoyt, our Deputy Mayor.  Gus was explaining the Mayor’s plan…to plant a tree for every primary school child in Bristol, that is 36,000 trees in the next 5 years.  He explained that this plan is now on track with money provided to start off the tree planting next year.  Children will be involved in the scheme, which the Mayor sees as educational involving not only planting but maintaining new trees.  George Ferguson was there and answered some questions effectively before heading off.  The City Council Horticulturalist, Richard Ennion, is running the project.  I told the Forum about our upcoming tree planting event.  He explained to the meeting that Bristol Brunel are already working with him to see how Lions can be further involved in this new tree planting project.

It was a thoroughly interesting evening with more news to follow no doubt.

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