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Lion President Tom’s October Blog

Lion Tom writes – It is hard to believe that it is a third of the way through my year in office.  It will soon be Christmas when our carol float will be put through its paces.  But first things first.
Two successful events took place in September.  We attended St Monica Homes and the Holly Hedge fund raising event at Ashton Court – both with our Frog Game. (See the blogs and comments already made), The only thing I wish to add, as President is, these two new events were a great success.

Also “Seeing the Way”! What a great donation made by Tesco’s of reading glasses, well over a hundred pairs, towards our Sight Saving Project. (Again see the Blog Page and Projects Page). Thanks Tesco.

The long awaited and planned Tree Planting Project is being hosted by Westbury Church of England Academy School and will take place at 1.30 pm this Friday, 4th October.  This event is going to be a successful one and as a club we are looking forward to giving away to local schools trees to plant. What a fantastic project to be involved in. The Club is privileged to be able to help in areas of Education, Communities, Environment and Health, all of which the Tree Project supports.

Lion Mary and I are all looking forward to our 42nd Annual Charter Anniversary Dinner, which is to take place on 19th, at the Aztec Hotel. Our District Governor and his wife, Lion John Mounty will be in attendance, as well as our guest’s Dr Richard Pendlebury from Changing Tunes charity and Kerry Rowe, from Lawrence Weston Community Farm charity. Both will be giving a short address about their respective charity works, which the club has pledged to support this year. Over 80 people will be in attendance for the evening’s events, and it should be a great fun night.

Finally, the club have expressed as wish to support the Lions Clubs International Reading Action Programme. This is another first for us and an initiative that will enable members to support local schools with their literacy support of pupils. Watch this space for developments and information in the coming months.

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