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Holiday Reflections

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Lions Robin and Ailsa reflect on a recent holiday – We always say that if you are a Lion, you have friends all over the world and it certainly proved so for the President of Bradley Stoke Lions, Robin Young and his wife Ailsa who contacted the Georgetown Lions in Penang, whilst on holiday in Malaysia. President Jimmy Ong immediately suggested we meet in a city hotel and brought along three other Lions to meet us, one of whom had only recently become a Lion. They made us so welcome, we felt as if we had known them all our lives. We were taken to a local restaurant “The Red Garden” where we enjoyed a delicious assortment of Malay and Chinese food. Club Banners were exchanged, and amid invitations to visit us if any of them came over to Britain, we bade each other goodbye, the President and his Lion Tamer were off to visit a family suffering a bereavement and we, back to our hotel having enjoyed a wonderful evening of friendship and fun.


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